Welcome and read, and then come and join us,
support your own Happiness as well as Happiness in our country...

On the occasion of launching The Happy Czech Republic Endowment Fund,
and in honour of Deepak Chopra\'s visit to Prague, David Kirš and Ctirad Hemelík
would like to invite you to the happening and the conference event
Gross National Happiness Day
on May 18, 2016 in Lucerna Cinema in Prague
The moment we reach the top of prosperity, we often come to realize that our Happiness was left behind, that we have lost it somewhere on the way. That is why we have invited several successful leaders, entrepreneurs, people of great character, people with vision, those who have made it to the top, so that they can share their stories of Happiness. Let´s share our stories together. Let´s support our Gross National Happiness. Come and join us at the first unique conference The Happy Czech Republic 2016 - Gross National Happiness Day.
Come and meet others, come and contribute, come and enjoy yourself, come and ask a couple of questions together: Where are we heading? What are we chasing? Why do we keep going to work, why do we keep making money, why do we start up firms, make communities, create works of art, why do we meet each other, and why do we take care of our relationships, health, or environment?
We might together notice an often neglected detail: all this effort is driven by a simple desire. Not the desire to increase the economic performance, to have more, to produce more or to work harder, to increase the gross national product :). There seems to be a different desire and dream: to be simply a happy person.
Come and support The Happy Czech Republic and your own Happiness. If we ourselves experience and live Happiness, we can model it for our dear ones, our families, firms, communities, towns, even the whole country. Happiness is neither a cliché nor a coincidence. We ourselves create our Happiness on a daily basis. We have the power.
Who else but ourselves has the power and the strength to be happy and to create Happiness.
Who else but our families has the power and the strength to take care of our Happiness.
Who else but our firms or organizations has the power and the strength to create happy working environment.
Who else but our municipalities, our counties and the government has the power and the strength to create a happy country.
Happiness does not need to be traded for money, property or prosperity. Happiness is a state of being and a life attitude.
“Happiness is Common Sense, Humour, Lightness and Joy,
and Happiness is also Sadness, Tears, Rain, and the Entire Life.“
Whom would we like to cordially invite?
We would like to invite those who live Happiness and who are willing to live Happiness, because they can inspire and model Happiness for others.
We would like to invite those who long for Happiness, because they can come and see and believe that Happiness is not a coincidence but rather the inner intention.
We would like to invite those who exercise influence. Over their neighbourhood, their families, communities, customers, clients, fans and people around.
What do we expect to get out of it?
We wish to open up the discussion, to draw the attention, and to create a community of people who care. A community of people to whom things matter. A community of people who would like to meet, connect, and contribute. We would like to create a like-mined community that resonates at the same wavelength. If we succeed we shall keep in touch and shall support by means of energy and even money similar events and activities.
We shall launch good new projects, good local as well as global activities. Projects and activities that go more into depth, to the heart of the matter. Projects and activities which remind us that Inner Happiness and connection to our Self and to Flow of Life are as important as prosperity
The newly launched Fund strives to communicate the topic of Happiness to the general public.
Who has already accepted our invitation to this event?
Our invitation has been accepted by The Royal Ambassador of Bhutan who will introduce the original GNH (Gross National Happiness) project by the King of Bhutan. Since 1972, this project has been making its way through the world. Moreover, we will be honoured to give our blessing to the launch of the first Czech Bhutan Society and The Happy Czech Republic Endowment Fund.
The event will be featured by Deepak Chopra\'s and Eric Pearl\'s appearance. We are honoured to have these beautiful people with us, supporting the idea of The Happy Czech Republic.
The following outstanding figures have promised to participate in this event:
Zdeněk Weber and Šárka Weberová with their children
Karel Janeček and Mariem Mhadhbi Janečková will share their story of Human Happiness and its Value
Jan Mühlfeit and our Hidden Potential to live our lives fully and happily
Lilia Khousnoutdinová and her Life Lesson from Bhutan
Bohdana Kabátová and Self-Confident, Conscious Life
Plus a film in cooperation with ARTINII.com in conclusion
The venue and the programme of the event
This conference event will be held on May 18th, 2016, in Lucerna Cinema in Prague. We shall start at 9 AM and conclude by screening the above mentioned film. The event will officially close at 8 PM.
The programme of The Happy Czech Republic 2016
(subject to change, thank you)
- David Kirš and Alice Kirš – husband and wife, authors of the original idea, founders of the Fund
- Ctirad Hemelík and Jana Hemelíková Baudisová – husband and wife, Prague patriots, organizers and founders of the Fund
- Jim Cusumano and Inez Cusumano – husband and wife, owners of Chateau Mcely – they are changing the world by changing that of theirs as well as that of ours
- Zdeněk Weber and Šárka Weberová with their children
- Lilia Khousnoutdinová and her story of Happiness from Bhutan
- Karel Janeček and Mariem Mhadhbi Janečková will share their story of Human Happiness and its Value
- Jan Mühlfeit and our Hidden Potential to live our lives fully and happily
- Bohdana Kabátová and Self-Confident, Conscious Life
- The Ambassador of Bhutan, speaking on Gross Domestic Happiness and news from Bhutan
- Deepak Chopra and Eric Pearl in a panel discussion on what Happiness means for these two inspiring great names
- Film screening
How much is all this?
The entrance fee for the day, including the evening screening of the film, lunch and dinner networking and drinks, is CZK 2490 inclusive of VAT. Profit from this event will be credited to the account of The Happy Czech Republic Endowment Fund.
Should you find this idea inspiring and interesting, you can support this event as partners or donors. Feel free to contact us at partner@stastnecesko.cz.
Where can I purchase the tickets?
Just click on the button and fill in your data on the following page and in the application form. 🙂
What the organizers would like to say in closing...
We will be thrilled if you decide to come and maybe even bring your like-minded friends. We find this issue is extremely important, and believe it is essential to start discussing it, to meet, to inspire others and to get inspired.
Time is moving extremely fast, we are confronted with global news and catastrophes, bombs are blasting, tuns of information are attacking us, people are migrating between continents... It is now particularly important to show the right way, the right direction. To get and stay centred and to listen to the inner wise Self.
This is why we have decided to organize this meeting, to set out on this journey. We do not know our destination. And maybe we will never get there, maybe we will never win this game. But we don´t mind. It´s worth doing anyway. And at least we tried and started 🙂
Should you feel like walking with us, we will be pleased to meet you and spend time together.
Thank you.
David Kirš and Ctirad Hemelík
\"We support the individual power and strength to create and live a happy life.\"
Gross National Happiness Day
on May 18, 2016 in Lucerna Cinema in Prague